Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So yesterday was OK.  I got a few things done, was feeling content, had a great yoga class, was pleased that the dog we're fostering is settling in.  So what happened.  Well we went out to a pub to hear music and I managed to drink three massive glasses of wine in an hour and a half, and then come home and have some Vodka while watching crap television until 3am.  So, of course today I feel wretched and I've put a spanner in my small progress and in my dieting, which has been sucking this week anyway.  Should I just stop drinking?  Yes.  Do I want to?  Nooooo.  So therein lies a big problem.  What do I want more, a life or some gleeful numbing?  Stay tuned.

Anyway, I've been obsessed with weight loss blogs of late, trying to find one that inspires me.  Most of them are people's food journals:  I ate this and this and then I did some exercise.  Others seem like they're priming themselves for a book deal.  They might be interesting to a point, but don't quite seem honest.  My guilty pleasures are the ones that have taken the Onion creation Jean Teasdale as a life model.  I was considering making this a weight loss blog, and have other blogs for other areas of my life, but why compartmentalize?  Even if no one reads this, let me be honest with myself about the facets of my personality.

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