Monday, November 10, 2008

Bla to Botox

God I hate botox and fillers.  I've never gotten the treatments, although I imagine it's painful.  I just hate how it's frozen the faces of so many women.  Who wants to be 50 with a face that doesn't move.  OK, you may look 30, but like a 30 year old wax figure.  I've had forehead furrows since my late teens.  Now in my mid 40's they're deeper but they're a part of me.  Yes, I want to look beautiful, but why do I need to look like a child to do so?  I'm taking as my role models elegant powerful women past and present such as Vivienne Westwood, Georgia O'Keefe, Lauren Hutton, Judi Dench, Emma Thompson, etc.  Let me see wisdom and life in a face, and personality.  Let me see lines of sadness and lines of laughter.  Not just some some sandblasted, blank canvas.

And what's with older women going for younger men.  Not for companionship.  Why would you really want to spend time with a man under 40?  Of course there's exceptions, but I'd much rather spend time with an interesting man my age or older.  If nothing else, they tend to be calmer, more self-sufficient and need less entertaining.  

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