Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Just say no to running

As mentioned before, I often go off on a tear, reading people's weight loss blogs for inspiration.  In general, it's not the most interesting topic.  Most of them list what they ate, and what exercise they did.  Others are a bit better.  Some are utterly bizarre.  One thing many of them have in common is tracking their running progress.  About a year ago I got it in my head I would start running.  I looked up a couch to 5 k plan and began it.  Never having been a runner, even as a child I found it tiresome, I was delighted when I progressed to running 30 or 40 seconds at a time.  Even a minute.  A minute and a half.  And then, that was it.  I struggled and never went past it; lost all interest.  It never made me feel especially good and, quite honestly, I'm not in love with runner's bodies.  Too knotty and rangy.  OK, professional runners.  Ordinary runners look not too bad.

So, now I'm back to doing yoga, which I was quite expert at back in the day.  It keeps me supple, and helps energetically.  I've also started dancing again, which I was decent at back in the day, and which I love.  60 minutes of a dance class flies by.  60 minutes on a treadmill is torture.  And I like the way my body feels after a class, toned, upright, springy.

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